

Manage safety compliance and regulations with ease using Do+Track! Do you have standard procedures to employ? Do+Track's checklist feature can help!

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Make Sure It's Done Right Every Time

Link to Projects/Tasks

Checklists are linked to projects/tasks, which makes them really easy to assign and keep track of!

Validate the Data

As your workers complete a checklist, you can validate the data that was recorded in the process by requiring an input during each step.

Generate Automatically

Checklists are generated automatically when they are linked to a specific task.

Certificate of Insurance Done With Ease

Do+Track comes equipped with pre-loaded checklists for managing incident reports, project site inspections, and a certificate of insurance. You can also upload instructions for any standard procedure that you need to keep track of.

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Track and Trend

You can also track and measure any data point over time with Do+Track for Construction. Here are just a few examples of some of the things you may need to keep track of:

  • Financial Data

  • Project Data

  • Project Estimators

With the track and trend feature, you can track a project-specific item, or any recurring piece of data. 

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